Handler Marketing, Inc. is a well-respected, award-winning advertising and marketing services firm founded in 1993. Handler Marketing creates high quality work at reasonable prices, thus delivering a great deal of value for clients. We pride ourselves on outstanding customer service.

At Handler Marketing, the service that we feel is of paramount importance is marketing strategy development. Marketing strategy underpins everything we produce for clients, whether they’ve developed it or we have. When formulating a comprehensive strategic marketing plan, Handler Marketing listens to clients to discover their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and goals, and researches other forms of information to develop the plan. As the ancient Chinese general Sun-Tzu said, “Battles are won and lost before they start based on the strategy.”

Agency head Rick Handler earned a Masters of Business Administration degree in marketing, with a concentration in economics, from the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh (one of America’s upper-tier M.B.A. programs). He studied under one of the nation’s top marketing professors, Dr. C.W. Park. Handler is also a recipient of the American Marketing Association’s Outstanding Marketing Achievement Award.

Experience and knowledge are the bedrock of effective marketing strategy. Positive marketing results are the reward. Rick Handler is an experienced marketing professional with over 25 years of activity across a wide range of industry segments. He gained advertising insights as an account executive for In Pittsburgh Newsweekly, a news and entertainment paper, then as a television rep, first in Pittsburgh at Channel 22 and then in the Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, Florida market at Channel 32.

In 1993 Handler launched Handler Marketing—an advertising and marketing services company—to put his knowledge and experience to use helping clients achieve their goals. He has created successful advertising campaigns, crafted strategic marketing plans, worked as a marketing advisor on mayoral campaigns for Pittsburgh Mayors Bob O’Connor and Bill Peduto, and launched one of the top entertainment sites in Pittsburgh, Entertainment Central Pittsburgh (ecpgh.com). His education and work experience give Handler the marketing and business acumen to lead High-performance efforts on behalf of clients.

As you browse our site you will see that the Handler Marketing team has put the knowledge and experience of Handler and other skilled professionals to good use as well. They’ve assisted many different clients—both big and small—on the path to sales and marketing success.
